Where does Korean Design come and go?
중세 이후의 전근대적 구조의 공동체 사회가 근대적 국가로 발전되고, 민주적 국가라는 개념으로 성장하던 시기, 사회적 구조의 변화를 주도했던 산업화의 역할은 그 사회의 정체성을 이야기하는데 절대적이었다 할 수 있을 것이다. 그런 의미에서, 한국 사회의 산업화가 태동되던 근대화 초기의 일제에 의한 피식민주의적 근대관과, 광복 후에도 지속되었던 유입 문화에 의한 사대주의적 문화의식은, 전통 한국사회에서 근대적 국가로의 성장 과정에 필수적이라 할 수 있는 자생적인 문화 생성과 사회적 정체성의 성장을 저해하는 결과로 나타났다. 그리고 이러한 경향은 현대 한국 사회의 디자인의 이해 및 그 정의에도 분명 중대한 영향을 미쳤다 할 것이다.
조선(당시 대한제국)의 근대화 시기를 국제적 정치관계에서 살펴 보았을때, 청일전쟁 이 후 주변국들의 이해관계와 일본의 제국주의적 팽창으로 인해 1905년 을사조약과 1910년 한일합병을 시작으로 결국 본격적인 일제의 식민통치가 시작되었으며, 이것은 태생적으로 대한제국은 경제적, 문화적, 정치적 자주성을 스스로 확보하는 것이 더이상 불가능 하였다는 것을 의미한다. 물론, 한일합병 이전 조선을 근대적 국가로써 자주적으로 개혁하고자 했던 민중에 의한 자의적 노력도 존재하였는데, 1860년 최제우가 창시한 동학을 중심으로 시작된 전국적인 농민운동과, 1894년 김옥균등을 위시로한 개화당에 의한 갑신정변이(1894년) 그것이었다.
만인의 평등함과 외세의 내정 간섭을 몰아내기 위해 농민들 스스로 봉기하며 발생된 동학농민운동과, 개혁당의 정파적 시도에 의한 갑신정변은 당시의 조선 사회, 대한제국을 근대적 민주화 사회로써 변화시켜보자 했던 민중에 의한 사회적 변혁의 흐름이었으며, 그 의의성은 한국 근대 사학을 이해하기 위해 매우 중요한 연결고리임에 틀림없다.
3D Printing with only ROHS certificated Eco-Friendly filaments
옥수수이나 사탕수수등의 자연적 소재를 분해, 가공해 만들어진 친환경 PLA 필라멘트는 일반적인 석유츄츌 플라스틱 소재와 다르게 생화학적 자연분해가 가능합니다.
인체에 무해한 성분으로 만들어졌다는 유럽 수출 제품 기준(ROHS)을 통과한 PLA 필라멘트 제품만을 사용합니다.
스튜디오에서 구비한 플래시포지사의 대형 3D프린터 장비는 가로280 세로250 높이300의 인쇄물을 고해상도로 출력할수가 있습니다.
Popup Show 2014 10.16~ 11. 5 / MONOQI X VOO STORE Berlin, Germany
Exhibition 2014 11.6~ 11. 10 / DESIGN KOREA 2014 디자인 코리아 2014
일산 킨텍스 제1전시장 1홀 , 창조 디자인 기업관
Projects for Clients 2011 ~ 2013
Reinterpreted conventional materials for modern furniture
Highly trained paint skill by craft man
Reinterpreted conventional materials for modern furniture
Reinterpreted conventional materials for modern furniture
The lacquer is a traditional material in Korean craft &art history, and it was one of the most expensive and extravagance material for living craft products and furniture in ancient time. However, as the lacquer painting required very specific temperature & moisture control to dry as well as highly trained fine technique to brush that normally take relatively longer time than modern urethan based paints, it has almost failed to get attention in modern design industry. So, recently one of traditional lacquer producer in Korea has developed a new lacquer product that can dry out on room temperature and ordinary moisture environment just like modern paint products. Moreover, it makes modern design developer easily apply the traditional material on modern products.
During the recovery of traditional material, I could have chance to find the beauty of the material that can be injected on modern aesthetics. Especially the combination of lacquer and brass, which was quite ordinary hardware metal for conventional furniture piece in Korea in the past, shows that how traditional materials can be reinterpreted in a sense of modern beauty. In addition, the Top of the table was inspired by the stream line of Han river in order to symbolize the industrialization in Korea in the past, which often be refered 'miracle'. Because there has been lot of lost in term of tradition and craft identity during the hurry modernization, I wanted to bring the narrative out for modern living in the present where we still frequently forgot about our tradition and rudimentary roots.
The traditional lacquer painting requires specific temperature & mositure control to dry out, and very fine technique to brush, it hasn't got much glorious attention in modern design and art scene.
So, there has been some newly developed product made with modern technology that ccould dry on ordinary room temperature.
Because the product itself functons like any urethane based varnishs or oil, it's relatively easy to apply on any surface and doesn't need picky moisture & temperature control.
I reckon that there could be a lot of creative way to use the product, in this case, the painting is one of them, which I purposefully take advantage of the feature of lacquer. When there are carved marks on wood, the lacquer stains more than flat, as time goes the color get deeper and richer as well.
As I borrowed the method and fundamental principle from one of well-known art painting skill 'Marbling' or 'Swirling', it was created through almost the same process technically. Thus, the results of the unique patterns on each product create own individuality in terms of the appearance.
During the process, the arbitrary improvisation failed sometimes, so it reminded imperfection on the surface such as awful smudge, dirty stains etc, however conversely it also shows the beauty of randomness and imperfection. Their looks just directly represent how they were made, and interpret distinctive perspective on the beauty which includes flaw and error.
Product's individuality promises not only uniqueness, but narratives within. This lighting pendent was created by plaster bandages which makes all pieces of manupulated product to have all different details and light shading.
As the material of the product is interpreted in different ways that wasn't mean to be, people will recover unexpected interest about the object, and it could be good to make a starting convenrsation.
An outdoor strapping chairs that use PVC straps have been quite popular already. However, PVC isn't eco-firendly material as it releases toxics when it's burnt, and can't be recycled to make other stuffs. So, it might better to replace with other materials like PP straps which we use for packaging.
It has been mass-produced already, so anyone can buy it in cheap price, and has right strenght for sustaining part of furniture.
If you are familar with power tools and know how to weave straps, then you can make your own lounge chair with PP straps.